Useful links
Rare Diseases European Actors
On Orphanet you can enter a disease and find the corresponding ERN or any other professional. Orphanet is a unique resource, gathering and improving knowledge on rare diseases so as to improve the diagnosis, care and treatment of patients with rare diseases.
EUROPEAN CANCER ORGANISATION includes links to resources in different relevant languages.
In the face of this crisis, SIOPE is currently working with its partners from St Jude Global, SIOP International and Childhood Cancer International (CCI Europe) to provide help and advice for Ukrainian community. SIOPE ensure the best possible care and outcome for all children and young people with cancer.
ILAE Actions to Support People with Epilepsy Affected by the Situation in Ukraine
On 7 March 2022, ILAE held a meeting with leaders from chapters in all countries affected by the situation in Ukraine. The group agreed on a set of seven key actions. ILAE is also forming a task force to oversee implementation of these actions, as well as to advise on the unfolding situation. Further information on all these activities including details on our fundraising campaign will follow shortly.